Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why adopt an older child?

As an adult, think about your favorite holiday and how you celebrate your happiest occasions. I bet that family comes to mind. How often do we get together with extended family members for Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas morning exchange and birthday celebrations. Did you bring your significant other home to "meet the family"? Did you/Do you get daily or weekly phone calls from Mom and Dad checking in on you?

Imagine having no one to call you on your birthday, imagine having no family to make plans with for the holidays, and worst of all, imagine having no grandparents to take your first child to. Children who do not get adopted face all of these issues. Whether a child is in an International orphanage or an American foster home, if a child "ages out" and doesn't become a part of a forever family, he/she has no one to call family, no one to take their first real love home to meet, and no one to gather with for the holidays. Can you imagine your life without all of the weird and sometimes dysfunctional people that you call family?

An older child doesn't mean a child that is passed the infant stage and learning to talk. Older children are often times elementary school age and many times, already into teenage status. Take a look at your state's waiting children. Chances are high that you will find more than one child that is nearing high school graduation, still waiting and hoping that he/she will be chosen by a family.

Consider an older child for adopting! Check out the link on Adoptive Families: http://www.adoptivefamilies.com/articles.php?aid=1358#1

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