Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Morning Routines

As school starts back all across the country, it is important to establish routines for your child, whether they are adopted or biological children! It's imperative to begin the year off in a positive way, being prepared for the school day. The morning routine actually starts the night before. Feel free to add your comments.

The night before, pack the book bag with all needed items for the next day, such as homework, supplies, permission slips, etc.

Check to make sure all homework is completed. Go over as needed. (Has anyone else noticed that homework is mounting and getting harder each year??)

Prepare lunch or give lunch money the night before.

Have your child pick out his/her clothes for the next day. As they are getting out their jammies, have them go ahead and pick out something special to wear to school.

Establish a regular bedtime--Children need more sleep than adults, and the lack of sleep will show in their behavior and school performance.

Have a regular wake up time each morning.

Establish a morning routine. Lots of parents get creative and develop charts, with stickers or smiley faces. Let your child check off each task, such as getting dressed, brushing teeth, having breakfast, etc.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. It's especially important for children who have been adopted to have routines and structure. Knowing what to expect will help your child adjust to his/her new environment.

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