Thursday, August 28, 2008

Laying a Foundation for Adopted Children

It's imperative for children to always feel like they have a solid foundation in their home, especially for a child who has been adopted. Children should never be threatened about their place or security in the family home whether it be for behavior or any other reason. If a child hears something like "If you don't act right, I'm going to send you to foster care, or back where you came from, this will only undermine his security in his foundation. An adopted child may feel like he has already lost one family and the fear of losing another family becomes a real possibility. A child that is afraid he will lose his family is going to be unable to correct any negative behaviors.

Even a child adopted as an infant or young toddler can and probably will experience the loss of a birth family he never knew. As his "forever family" it's essential to provide a solid ground, unconditional love, and a strong sense of security.

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